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How to Cheat with Visualization in Photoshop


How to Cheat with Visualization in Photoshop

Have you ever seen any fruits or vegetables with a face? In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to make realistic view collage with fruit and human face.

In the beginning you should find the picture of ay fruit or vegetable. I prefer to use this one picture of pear. Open up the picture.

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Then you need to find appropriate picture of human face to put it on the fruit. You can use mine picture or feel free to use your own. Ok, open up the picture and copy it to the first canvas with fruit. Then set up opacity to 45% for this layer and use Edit > Free Transform to reduce the picture and rotate it as on my picture below.

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Set up opacity to 100% for current layer again and begin cleaning work with Eraser Tool. Use soft round brush with opacity about 30%. Remove all parts, leaving only the eyes, lips and nose.

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After that select hard round brush and make clear finger area.

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Press Ctrl+J to duplicate layer and hide the copy (click on the eye, which indicates layer visibility). Go to lower layer and apply Image > Adjustments > Color Balance with next presets:

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See the result below:

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After that use Image > Adjustments >Hue/Saturation:

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The picture should look like this:

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After that select the Burn Tool (Brush: 70px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) to make some burn work.

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Go back to the hidden layer and make it visible again. Select the Eraser Tool again and remove all content, leaving just eyeballs, nostrils and mouth.

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Then apply Image > Adjustments > Levels to this layer:

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See the result below:

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After that get out the Burn Tool (Brush: 70px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) again and darken nostrils and mouth areas.

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Select the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush with 30% opacity and make little clean work on the same areas.

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Looks good, isn’t it? Ok, move to the next step. We should add the pear texture to the face. Go to the background layer and make selection with Polygonal Lasso Tool as was shown on my picture below.

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Press Ctrl+J to duplicate selected area on the new layer. After that move this layer above all the layers and change layer mode to Soft Light for it.

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Then make some brightness and contrast corrections with Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast.

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Now you should have something like this:

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After that select the Eraser Tool again and remove clear borders of this texture.

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Use the Burn Tool (Brush: 40px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) one more time to make features more clearly.

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On this step we are done! Hope, this tutorial was useful for you.

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Menggunakan Kreatif Seni di Valentine Greeting Card


Using Creative Art in Valentine Greeting Card

The long-awaited holiday coming… This is Valentine day. This holiday so important almost for each of us. That’s why I decided to prepare for you one more interesting Photoshop tutorial about how to make Valentine greeting card by using creative art.

Ready to start? Ok, let’s go! In the beginning I created a new document and filled it with black color.

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Then I would like to add decorative elements to the background. You can find some appropriate picture on stock photo websites and feel free to use my picture. Open up it and use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to separate picture from the background.

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Press Ctrl+C to copy selected area, then go back to our main canvas and press Ctrl+V to paste coped part of image on it. Move it a little bit left as shown on my picture below.

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Press Ctrl+J to duplicate current layer with flowers and hide the copy (click on the eye, which indicates layer visibility). Go to lower layer and set opacity up to 20% for it. Then create a new one layer above and fill it with pink to orange gradient, using colors of #ff5860 and #f6e69e. Change layer mode to Screen for this layer.

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Go back to the hidden copy of layer and make it visible again. After that move it like on my print screen which you can see below.

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Apply Drop Shadow and Outer Glow layer styles to this layer.

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See the difference now?

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Ok, now duplicate this layer with Ctrl+J and move copy to the right lower corner.

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Move to the next step. I would like to bring some heart shapes to the background. How we can do this? I’ll show you one way. Create a new one document sized 50×50 pixels. Then select the Custom Shape Tool and one of the standard shapes from Photoshop gallery. Add this shape to our new document. It doesn’t matter which color it will be.

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After that use Edit > Define Brush Preset to save this shape as brush. Ok, now we have ready heart brush. But before applying it we should set up some settings for it. Select the Brush Tool and our new brush. Then click the button ‘Toggle the Brushes palette’ on the Options Bar to open brush presets window or by choosing Window > Brushes. Here we can see a couple of presets. Now, set up the following presets for our selected brush:

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Ok, when we are done with settings, select the white color as foreground color and add a few strokes with hearts.

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Ok, move to the next step. Now we need to bring our greeting card some creative art looking and should stylize it. For this effect merge all layers in one by pressing Ctrl+Shift+E. Duplicate new layer with Ctrl+J and apply Filter > Distort > Ocean Ripple for the new layer with similar settings to these:

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After that mess with the layer mode & opacity/fill. I tried Sift Light with opacity of 60%.

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Then we should add greeting text or something like this. Get out the Horizontal Type Tool and write out some text. Actually, I decided to put some poem about love in my greeting card. So, the first line will be title of the poem. Use the color of #5b2a0c for this text line.

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In the above image I’ve used a font called Garamond Premier Pro, which is one of standard Windows fonts. Ok, then add the poem with the same color and the same font. But use smaller size font for this text layer.

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Looks good, isn’t it? Merge all layers in one again and apply Filter > Texture > Texturizer with next presets:

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Now we have effect like this:

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After that use the Sharpen Tool to add some sharpness to our canvas.

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Ok, on this step we are done! Now we have great looking Valentine Greeting card.

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I congratulate all on the Valentine day! Love each other and try to save your love!

Modern Designed Text Effect


Modern Designed Text Effect

I’m going to share with you about how to make modern designed text effect by using some layer styles. Is it interesting for you? If yes, let’s start to read and make!

First of all, make a new document in Photoshop. I created a new document sized 1000×500 pixels with all the default settings, RGB, 72 dpi and fill it with gradient by using colors of #8f9290, #303231 and #8f9290.

Modern Designed Text Effect 01

Then press D to set up standard colors for foreground and background (as black and white). After that apply Filter > Sketch > Halftone > Pattern with similar settings to these:

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Now you should have some pattern like this:

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Create one more layer above and fill it with black color. Then change opacity to 85% for this layer.

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Now, start with creating text effect directly. Get out the Horizontal Type Tool and write out your text, for example ‘DREAMD’ in whatever color you want.

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In the above image I’ve used a font called Incised901, which is one of standard Windows fonts. After that you should find some appropriate picture whish u can add to the text. It would be better if this is a picture with small elements. You can use some pics on Google Images or also feel free to use mine picture. Open up the file and copy it to the main canvas above the text layer. Change opacity to 70% for current layer and apply Edit > Free Transform to reduce the picture a little bit. Hold Shift button to reduce it pro rata.

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Go to the text layer and use Select > Load Selection to select text area. Remove this layer, we don’t need it more.

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Go to the layer with picture and press Ctrl+Shift+J to cut selected area to the new layer. Set up opacity to 100% for current layer again and remove the layer under also.

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Use the Sharpen Tool to sharpen the text.

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Duplicate current layer with Ctrl+J. Then go to previous layer and apply Filter > Blur > Motion Blur with similar settings to these:

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Now we have interesting effect.

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Go to the upper layer again and apply the following layer styles to the text layer:
Drop Shadow
Inner Shadow
Outer Glow
Inner Glow
Bevel and Emboss

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Now your image should look like the image shown below:

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Well, thank you for reading this tutorial everyone! We got modern designed text effect.

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