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How to Cheat with Visualization in Photoshop


How to Cheat with Visualization in Photoshop

Have you ever seen any fruits or vegetables with a face? In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to make realistic view collage with fruit and human face.

In the beginning you should find the picture of ay fruit or vegetable. I prefer to use this one picture of pear. Open up the picture.

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Then you need to find appropriate picture of human face to put it on the fruit. You can use mine picture or feel free to use your own. Ok, open up the picture and copy it to the first canvas with fruit. Then set up opacity to 45% for this layer and use Edit > Free Transform to reduce the picture and rotate it as on my picture below.

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Set up opacity to 100% for current layer again and begin cleaning work with Eraser Tool. Use soft round brush with opacity about 30%. Remove all parts, leaving only the eyes, lips and nose.

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After that select hard round brush and make clear finger area.

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Press Ctrl+J to duplicate layer and hide the copy (click on the eye, which indicates layer visibility). Go to lower layer and apply Image > Adjustments > Color Balance with next presets:

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See the result below:

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After that use Image > Adjustments >Hue/Saturation:

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The picture should look like this:

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After that select the Burn Tool (Brush: 70px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) to make some burn work.

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Go back to the hidden layer and make it visible again. Select the Eraser Tool again and remove all content, leaving just eyeballs, nostrils and mouth.

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Then apply Image > Adjustments > Levels to this layer:

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See the result below:

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After that get out the Burn Tool (Brush: 70px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) again and darken nostrils and mouth areas.

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Select the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush with 30% opacity and make little clean work on the same areas.

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Looks good, isn’t it? Ok, move to the next step. We should add the pear texture to the face. Go to the background layer and make selection with Polygonal Lasso Tool as was shown on my picture below.

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Press Ctrl+J to duplicate selected area on the new layer. After that move this layer above all the layers and change layer mode to Soft Light for it.

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Then make some brightness and contrast corrections with Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast.

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Now you should have something like this:

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After that select the Eraser Tool again and remove clear borders of this texture.

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Use the Burn Tool (Brush: 40px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) one more time to make features more clearly.

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On this step we are done! Hope, this tutorial was useful for you.

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