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Cool Unusual Text Effect

Cool Unusual Text Effect

Cool unusual text effect. Would you like to know how to make it? Read the text below.

Start by creating a new document to make this text effect. I created a small document sized 500×300 pixels and fill it with color of #74a103:

Cool Unusual Text Effect 01

After that cerate a new one layer, then select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and make the selection, then fill this selected area with color of #b6e100.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 02

Remove the selection with Ctrl+D and apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with similar settings to these:

Cool Unusual Text Effect 03

Your result should look like mine:

Cool Unusual Text Effect 04

Now it’s time to add your text to the canvas! Start by getting out the Horizontal Type Tool then write out your text.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 05

The font I’ve used above is called Futura. Ok, start to create the text effect. Rasterize this text layer with Layer > Rasterize > Type. Press Ctrl+J to copy the layer and hide the original layer (click on the eye, which indicates layer visibility). Go to the upper layer and apply Gradient Overlay layer style to this layer.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 06

See the difference now:

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Start to transform current layer with Edit > Transform > Skew to get the text as on my picture below:

Cool Unusual Text Effect 08

Now, we need to do is add the glare on the letters. Create a new layer and make selection using the Rectangular Marquee Tool as on picture below and fill it with white color.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 09

Remove the selection with Ctrl+D and apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with following parameters:

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The result you can see on the picture below.

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After that create a new one layer, make selection using the Rectangular Marquee Tool and fill it with white color again.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 12

Remove selection and apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with other parameters:

Cool Unusual Text Effect 13

Your image should look as mine.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 14

Merge two of these layers in one and rotate it a little bit with Edit > Transform > Rotate:

Cool Unusual Text Effect 15

Duplicate this glare three of times and bring to each letter.

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Merge all glares in one layer. Ok, press Ctrl and Left click the text layer Thumbnail in the Layers Palette to make letters selection, then press Ctrl+Shift+I to invert selection and use Delete to clear selected area.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 17

Remove the selection with Ctrl+D. Go back to the hidden text layer and make it visible again. After that apply Edit > Transform > Skew to skew this layer.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 18

Don’t apply transformation unless don’t reduce the height of the letters with Edit > Transform > Scale.

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Ok, apply Color Overlay layer style to this layer.

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Now, we have different color for the letters.

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After that create a new one layer, then select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and begin to connect the upper part of the letter with its projection. After that fill selected area with color of #689106.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 22

Finish other letters in the same way.

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Ok, merge current layer with layer under. Now, we can start create volumetric letters. Get out the Polygonal Lasso Tool and create selection as on my picture below. Then apply the Dodge Tool (Brush: 45 px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%).

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After that press Ctrl+Shift+I to invert the selection and apply the Dodge Tool with similar settings as before.

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Ok, now select the Burn Tool (Brush: 45 px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) and add a little bit more dark spots on the letter side. Then remove the selection with Ctrl+D.

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Process other letters in the same way.

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And that’s pretty much it. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the tutorial.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 28

sumber : photoshopstar

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