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Creating Cool Marble Text Effect

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect

In this small, but useful Photoshop tutorial we’ll be designing cool marble text effect.

Get started by finding a nice, suitable photo of the marble texture to work with. After that create a new document about 1000×500 pixels and bring out texture to it. Now, we are starting to create the text effect. First of all we need to type some text, where the effect will be shown. Choose the Horizontal Type Tool and type text with any color. Color is not important in this case. It’s desirable to use bold style of text for this effect. For this tutorial I used Arial Black font.

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 01

Time to start with creating the text effect. But in the beginning we need to choose the appropriate pattern we will use further in our text effect. I prefer to use this one. Open it and save as pattern by going to Edit > Define Pattern. Go back to our main document and apply following Blending Options to the text layer:

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 02

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 03

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 04

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 05

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 06

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 07

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 08

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 09

The result should be very good!

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 10

Looks good as for me! Use it, make it and enjoy your own nice text effects.

Creating Cool Marble Text Effect 11

sumber : photoshopstar

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