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Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes

Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes

In this Photoshop tutorial I’m going to show you how to make an interesting creative effect of creating transparent clothes on woman body.

In the beginning I would like to find some picture for background where we will create our cool transparent dress effect in futuristic style. I think this one picture will be good. Open up the picture. On this canvas I’m going to demonstrate you the transparent magic effect. Now we need to find some appropriate picture of woman in bikini to work with. You can find the picture you need on the Google Images or feel free to use mine picture.

Cool Transparent Effect on Clothes 01

Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool to divide woman silhouette from the white background.

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Holding the Alt button cut away inner parts of background between hands and body also.

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Ok, now press Ctrl+C to copy selected area, then go back to the main picture with interior background and press ctrl+V to paste copied part of image. Then reduce it a little bit and move it down as shown on my picture below.

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Since the girl was cut with a white background, her contour shines white a little. How can we fix this? Very easy! Just apply Inner Glow layer style for current layer.

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The result should be next:

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Looks better now, but still not so realistic. Apply the Burn Tool (Brush: 40 px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) to burn a little bit bright parts of the body such as hands and legs.

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Ok, time to create magic transparent dress. It will be nice if we create it from flowers. In this case we should find some picture of chamomile. Use Google Images to find appropriate picture or also you can use mine. Open up the picture and copy it to our main canvas.

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Now, use the Magic Wand Tool to select the black background which is out of chamomile. Press Delete to clear selected area.

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Remove selection with Ctrl+D. Then apply Edit > Free Transform to reduce flower size.

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Duplicate this layer a few times to create the upper and lower contour dresses and add one flower as hair decoration.

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Duplicate the last one layer with flower again and press Ctrl+T to reduce it a little bit. We need smaller flowers to create dress straps. Also add more flowers in the dress bottom.

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Now, duplicate the less size flower one more time and press Ctrl+T to reduce the flower size more. Copy this smallest size flower a few times more to pave strings area from the left and right sides.

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After that we can bring a few different size flower to the dress area as ornament.

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Ok, move to the next step. Go to the woman silhouette layer and create the same selection with Polygonal Lasso Tool as on my picture below.

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After that press Ctrl+Shift+J to cut selected part of image on the new layer. Then set up fill opacity to 0% and apply Inner Glow and Color Overlaylayer styles for this layer:

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The result should be next:

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Now we have one small hole on the dress bottom. To remove this defect use the Polygonal Lasso Tool and create selection as shown on the picture below. Fill this selected area with any color.

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Remove selection with Ctrl+D. Merge all the layers together except interior background and woman silhouette. Duplicate received layer and apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur for the copied layer.

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Change layer mode to Soft Light for this layer and you will get the next result:

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Now, merge current layer with previous and apply Filter > Other > High Pass with similar settings to these:

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The result should look as mine on the picture below.

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That is it for now! We got a cool transparent dress in futuristic style. I’m pretty much finished for this tutorial, thanks for taking the time to read it!

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